Is Radionics practical . . .?

Many years ago when I first learned about Radionics I was busily raising a large family and had no time for “hobbies”

But I decided that radionics could be a real benefit for family emergencies and to help me in the garden.

I realized quickly that there were many practical applications and I love to learn so it became a great adventure . . . and continues to this day.

Wonderful Watermelons

This year I harvested 20 super sweet Sugar Baby watermelons from two plants in my backyard garden. They grew and grew!

I tuned them radionically and balanced the minerals. I tuned the Blooming IDF, 60.178 as soon as the plants moved into the Mature Growth, 50.53 phase of their growth cycle. Many blooms and many fruits (before the frost). The flavor is delicious!

First Aid HomeCare

Boys (and girls) have lots of ow-ies. This gave me many opportunities to "practice my Radionics".

I learned early on not to take credit for the "magic". After all it really is the body that heals itself.

Mom just gives support and a little direction . . .